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Exhibit at the Annual Conference

Why Exhibit at the Annual Conference?

AESA is a national professional organization with 500+ members who are educational service agencies. They support public and private schools and impact over 40 million students nationwide. This is your opportunity to introduce your organization to educational service agencies from across the United States!

Educational Service Agencies (ESAs) are a Critical Market for Your Products and Services

  • ESAs are in face-to-face contact with nearly every superintendent and key staff of local school districts on a weekly/monthly basis.
  • ESAs are acutely aware of the needs and problems faced by local public, private, and parochial schools, and other youth service agencies in their service area.

NOTE: Payment is by credit card only.  If you have any questions regarding payment, contact AESA Chief of Staff Ann Fiene.

PLEASE NOTE:  Exhibit booth sales are now closed, but Annual Conference sponsorship opportunities are still available.  If interested, please contact AESA Director of Business Services Chris Rooney at

Exhibitor Contact:

Chris Rooney
Director of Business Services (sponsorship opportunities)

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