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Become a Member

Regular Membership for ESAs

Regular membership includes all staff members and the board. Benefits include professional development opportunities, legislative advocacy, publications, technical assistance, association newsletters, research journal, conference materials, and listing in the membership directory. CEOs are granted voting privileges and are eligible for council seats. AESA offers two types of regular membership.

The annual membership dues structure is reflected in this table:

Dues Structure - Employee Count Dues Amount
ESA-Level 1 – (Below 6)


ESA-Level 2 – (6-24)


ESA-Level 3 – (25-199)


ESA-Level 4 – (200-499)


ESA-Level 5 – (500 and above)



Institutional Membership: $400
For non-profit organizations that are not ESAs, but have an interest in supporting educational programs.  Benefits include newsletters, conference materials, and listing in the membership directory.

State Association Membership: $530

Alumni Membership: For an individual who has retired from an ESA and who has a continued interest in supporting educational service agencies. Benefits include newsletters, the research journal, conference materials, and a listing in the membership directory.

ALL categories of AESA members receive a reduced annual conference rate.

Learn about the benefits you receive as a member of AESA . . . here are just a few:

  1. All of Your Employees are Members of AESA! When your organization is a member of AESA, it means all your staff is a member too! They can participate in AESA-sponsored events at the member rate and join any of our activities. We host three annual national eventsto help our members connect, learn, and grow. These include the Educators' Call to Action Conference, the Annual Conference, and the Summer Leadership Conference. We also have many other networks, professional learning networks, and webinars that all staff may become involved with.
  2. Stay in Touch!The AESA Online News is our weekly newsletter full of Association news. To be sure you are receiving your AESA Online News, please watch for it from my email address ( in your email Inbox. If you aren't receiving it, contact our Chief of Staff, Ann Fiene, at, and she will make sure we have your correct email address. You can also encourage your team members to sign up using this link: AESA Publications.
  3. Stay Informed!AESA publishes Perspectives, an in-depth online journal about ESA research, innovation, and accomplishments. We welcome your submissions. Read it today!
  4. Member Services! We have several services designed explicitly for ESAs. For example, we offer a job central, legislative updates and advocacy, a professional forum, webinars, and much more.  We also provide the business strategy framework, board training and support, leadership training, and professional development services for your staff.  You can learn more about our member benefit services by visiting our Membership Services webpage!
  5. Advocacy! AESA stands ready to lead advocacy on behalf of ESAs and support you in your efforts. Our federal legislative advocacy work is shaped by AESA members at the annual Federal Advocacy Committee meeting each year, and then our federal legislation liaisons deploy it. Contact us if we can help!
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